Stuffed full with a toxic combination featuring Roses, Heroes and my obvious favourite in the property business – Quality Street. I can’t face another board game and the charades ended in an unfortunate misunderstanding with my miming prowess and a near matrimonial. Still there’ll doubtless be plenty of those when I get back to the office.
Took a walk in town today and past the window of an unfortunate opposition member whose bosses decreed they should be open right through this fallow period for sales. The bored negotiator was engrossed on the phone doubtless to a friend or possibly the Samaritans and momentarily I felt sorry for the fellow.
Paused at the display, as he was engrossed, and checked out the stock I can’t usually peruse without getting the finger from their branch manager. Not much to concern me there. Spotted a couple of the over-priced properties I’d valued at lower figures and the vendors had spurned my advice. Gave me a cheery glowing feeling quite at odds with the weather and my general mood.
New years eve is looming ominously and more worryingly the start of a new accounting year. All successes will be swiftly forgotten as the banked income re-sets to zero, but needless to say all failures are still logged on the bean counter boss’s hard drive. Maybe this year will be different.
For those interested in buying a copy of the – all new material – book and helping with the rather lengthy escape tunnel process, leave your e-mail details in the box to the right of this text (no obligation) and I will happily place you on a priority list. Signed copies are a distinct possibility for early purchasers. For those that want to keep reading for free I’ll keep posting, all I ask is you make the occasional comment. As I near 250,000 hits I know you are out there.
Happy New Year. Now just need to get into those suit trousers again.
Took a walk in town today and past the window of an unfortunate opposition member whose bosses decreed they should be open right through this fallow period for sales. The bored negotiator was engrossed on the phone doubtless to a friend or possibly the Samaritans and momentarily I felt sorry for the fellow.
Paused at the display, as he was engrossed, and checked out the stock I can’t usually peruse without getting the finger from their branch manager. Not much to concern me there. Spotted a couple of the over-priced properties I’d valued at lower figures and the vendors had spurned my advice. Gave me a cheery glowing feeling quite at odds with the weather and my general mood.
New years eve is looming ominously and more worryingly the start of a new accounting year. All successes will be swiftly forgotten as the banked income re-sets to zero, but needless to say all failures are still logged on the bean counter boss’s hard drive. Maybe this year will be different.
For those interested in buying a copy of the – all new material – book and helping with the rather lengthy escape tunnel process, leave your e-mail details in the box to the right of this text (no obligation) and I will happily place you on a priority list. Signed copies are a distinct possibility for early purchasers. For those that want to keep reading for free I’ll keep posting, all I ask is you make the occasional comment. As I near 250,000 hits I know you are out there.
Happy New Year. Now just need to get into those suit trousers again.
Leave occasional comments? Didn't even know there was a comment facility 'til I read that. And I'm sure I'm not the only one to read your entertaining blog through the feed rather than the web!
I've been watching this from afar - and it's on my fav's bar, for the comedy value and great writing I'll be buying this. Happy New Year to you and your family. DB.
The other agent obviously knows there are rich pickings to be had as the pressure of the season leads to lots of matrimonial difficulties and potential vendors!
Of course they then spoil it by kissing and making up on NYE.
Have a great 2010 !
Great news on the book. Your writing is of a consistently high standard, and the excerpts I saw in the Guardian/Observer were also excellent. I'll certainly be buying a copy.
Happy new year to you SA - it must feel wonderful that your hard work is close to paying off.
I'm certainly up for a copy. Consistently amusing, twists of pathos. Top stuff. Happy new year, sir, and hope it works out!
Happy New Year S.A!
Thanks for a great blog, I'll be up for a copy of your book too.
Regular reader. Keep it up!
My New Years resolution is to add more comments!
Our whole EA office is up for the book! Keep up the good work.
Every month regular as clockwork I catch up on your postings.
Great blog!
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